
A small but a new game changer for online shopping for Replica goods


This new company is finding a way to the heart of its customer by selling the Best Replica goods on the market such as Watches, Sunglasses, Women’s Bags, cluthes, men’s wallet etc. Their branding list has everything from Guess, to Prada from Cartier to Brietling, with their prices cheapest on the internet. Being a small company they have started a Cash On Delivery in cites which comes under NCR(India),  with shipping all over india with worldwide shipping to be availabe within a week.

So as the Punch line Says— BE A TRENDSETTER

For more infromation on the products and prices follow their Instagram @tredingclass 

And Facebook on https://www.facebook.com/pages/TrendingClass/1517613455195628


OnePlus ready to unveil mysterious gadget on May 28


OnePlus is set to unveil HydrogenOS, an Android ROM. It looks like the compay could also have some new hardware to announce at the May 28.

Leaked photos obtained by MyDrivers shows what appears to be a slim metallic with OnePlus branding. It’s unclear if this is the product itself or simply a fancy box hiding something inside. One popular guess is a OnePlus router. I will love to see the company unveil its highly anticipated OnePlus 2 this month, but that seems unlikely. It’s also possible the entire thing could be Photoshopped, or just a random OnePlus box with nothing important inside. Hopefully we’ll learn more on May 28.